Meet the MCM Education and Community Engagement Team

Meet our team! Our Education and Community Engagement (ECE) department is dedicated to creating unique media content that amplifies community voices of those who live and work in Montgomery County. Our team of industry professionals achieves this by offering classes, hosting MCM community events, and providing opportunities for individuals to become content creators across all MCM platforms. We also serve as a portal for local access users, producers, podcasters, and other content contributors. We are a passionate group of individuals who provide quality educational resources and programs to Montgomery County residents of all ages and backgrounds. We believe that everyone in Montgomery County should have access to knowledge and the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive in the media landscape and we are here to amplify community voices.

Our team is made up of experts in various fields, who bring a wealth of media and education knowledge and experience to the table. We are here to serve as a resource for our community members and partners.

We are excited to connect with you and learn more about how we can support your media goals and initiatives. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all MoCo residents. Meet our team and reach out to us at to let us know how we can support your media needs.

Danielle Ricks, ECE Director

Danielle Ricks, MCM ECE Director:  Danielle describes herself first and foremost as a storyteller. As MCM’s Director of ECE, she brings over thirty-five years of broadcast production to the role having produced for ABC, BET, Walt Disney and CBS, to name a few. Danielle also has over fifteen years of social media, brand marketing and public relations experience working for nonprofits and corporations big and small. In addition to her role at MCM, she is an Adjunct Professor at my alma mater, Howard University in the Cathy Hughs School of Communications. She has produced over 100 online training workshops and dozens of in-person training sessions nationally and abroad which put her in the unique position of leading the ECE department. “I love getting the residents of Montgomery County residents as excited about how to navigate through the media landscape as I am! I strive to teach, engage, empower and innovate our MCM members through unique storytelling that will amplify community voices.


Delmar Patterson, ECE Media Education Production Manager

Delmar Patterson, MCM ECE Media Education Production Manager: Delmar comes to MCM from another community media organisation, DCTV. While at DCTV he worked as a Multimedia Specialist and Instructor. Delmar brings a wealth of experience to the team with a background in media production as an instructor, producer, editor, script writer, videographer, film maker and social media specialists.At MCM, Delmar is responsible for creating, producing and editing educational content and teaching multi-media and production classes. Delmar also manages volunteer productions helping our members produce programming for our two broadcast channels. 


Kaila Williams

Kaila Williams, Media Production Coordinator: Kaila comes to MCM following a period of freelance production gigs, working for companies like Disney, ESPN, Peacock, Netflix and more. After graduating in film studies and interning for different film companies, Kaila brings experience in script writing, videography, photography and editing. At MCM, Kaila is responsible for supporting member productions, supervising interns, assisting instructing in our multi-media classes and overseeing community engagement events.

Taru Clark, ECE Technical Assistant

Taru Clark, MCM ECE Teacher Assistant: Taru assists MCM instructors in all aspects of media training and production which includes field production and studio classes. Tara focuses on field production and in-studio class where he assists in teaching the operation of cameras, lights, audio and editing equipment. He also acts as the MCM representative supervising student projects or productions and MCM and ECE in-studio productions.


Paul Likos, ECE Programming Supervisor

Paul Likos, Programming Supervisor

Paul Likos, MCM Programming Traffic Supervisor: In Paul’s role, he programs the content for the MCM broadcast channels to include Channel 12 and Channel 19. His responsibilities include scheduling TV series and one-off show, commercial breaks and on-air promotions. Paul also functions as the point person for member Access Users – those producing original content for MCM and Presenters – those who submit pre-produced shows for channels. Paul oversees the technical specifications for the programming submitted to MCM in an effort to best prepare these shows for broadcast.


With the guidance from the MCM ECE team, our media training classes, workshops, programs and events offer creators wonderful opportunities to become better multimedia producers and content producers for our two community media channels. To learn even more about our the Education and Community Engagement department of MCM, click here.

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